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Thursday, February 26, 2009


We have been very busy so little time for blogging! Dalton and Byne have started baseball we are on the road all the time trying to watch them play ball! The Stars of Elmore County was held on Feb. 21st...I was nominated for Princiapl of the year. That was fun..didn't win, but a very deserving lady won. Mrs. Mary Lucy Crapps is the Principal of Holtville Elementary and has been there for a very long time. She is retiring this year so it was very fitting that she be honored :) I was thrilled that I was nominated by one of my teachers...I will always treasure the sweet letter that she wrote about me! Lakyn is getting ready for tryouts in April and still working on her back hand spring...hope she gets it before tryouts. I will be blogging a limited amount since I am traveling all over Alabama to watch my boys play ball. Hope you are all doing well...I am thinking of you often! Much love :)