Our good friend Jenna turned 14 years old today. Lakyn and Jenna have been going to school together since they were three and Jenna's mother, Jan, and I have been close friends since then. We began to talk last week about what we could do for Jenna's birthday this year. We settled on a photo scavenger hunt. We divided the girls into two teams (they had to chose an M & M and the ones with like colors were on the same team). Each team was given a list of 25 items to complete and each item had a point value. They had exactly two hours to get as many items done as they possibly could. These items included a photo at the Welcome to Millbrook sign, photo with a Yield sign, photo pumping a strangers gas, photo walking someones dog, photo in front of a fountain, photo with a community helper, photo with a Winn Dixie employee, photo with a yellow car, photo with a pork loin, photo in front of an accurate clock, photo with a 1994 coin, photo with all team members on a swing, photo with someone taller than 6'3", photo at a phone booth, photo with all team members dressed in the same clothing, photo with a car battery, photo with an Alabama CD, photo taking a stranger's groceries out, photo with one team member wrapped in toilet paper in a public restroom (we brought our own toilet paper), photo with the word fun on something in a store, photo with a historical marker, photo building a pyramid in front of Stanhope Elmore High School......and a couple of others that I can not remember. The rules were you only had two hours - every minute you were late would deduct 5 points from your teams total. The driver was not allowed to help at all unless the team wanted to use a life line. They could ask the driver two questions and phone 1 friend - three life lines total. This was very difficult for me, because I was dying to help. Lakyn had no idea who "Alabama" was - the country group. Luckily one other little girl in our group was more familiar with country music. I was surprised at some things that they did know. They knew roughly where some historical markers were and they knew exactly where the Welcome to Millbrook sign was. It was so much fun listening to them devise their strategic plan and decide where they were going to go next. The groups tied - both groups were able to obtain all the photos and were back at the house by 9:30 PM. I had the best time watching them play this game tonight! Check out the photos on our FLICKR site. We got several good shots of the two groups. Happy Birthday Jenna - We love you!!